WOTLK Screenshots
Maleficus |
Posted on 23-07-2008 19:50

Posts: 532
Joined: 30/06/2007 11:03
I wanna share some screenshots that i've taken my first WOTLK adventure 
First thing that i did is creating a DK which is really awesome.
Please share your screenshots as well.
Starting Area
Lich King Himself! (And he gives quests How cool is that?)
Second place that they send you. (Goldshire of Deathknights )
This is a quest which you enter a shadowy state and kill a horsemen to get his horse. Ehm Deathcharger 
That's all for now. But i'll post some more once i've done geting the satisfaction
Edited by Maleficus on 23-07-2008 19:51
Samwell |
Posted on 24-07-2008 00:37

Posts: 33
Joined: 24/11/2006 22:37
Damn, im so pissed.. i want to play on this but didnt get chosen for key  |
Jaz |
Posted on 24-07-2008 01:53

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Here's som eI took this evening
My first view of new content. This is the new port at Stormwind.
A statue in Valiance Keep, the first alliacne town you reach.
The view out from Valiance Keep.
Jaz trying out the new Demon Form, have yet to try doing anything in anger on him yet though.
My brand spanking new Deathknight.
Vyxen taking a quest.
Beating up a Scarlet Crusade captain.
The new Deathcharger.
Almost finished the starting zone. One more large fight to go and I get to join the rest of the world. Up to now its been all an instanced version of EPL.
http://www.thebladeorder.com/images/j...tLK/09.jpg |
heijaangel |
Posted on 24-07-2008 06:38

Posts: 1403
Joined: 22/11/2006 11:19
****ing hated it last night, couldnt log in for a long time.   
Hope ist better this evening.
Btw guys did any1 had to change there names? Mine is still Heijaangel, Angellic and Fortress. I know Jaz still has Jayze and Jaz
Edited by heijaangel on 24-07-2008 06:38
What is SeX? SeX Is When A Boy Put His Location In A Girls Destination To Increase The Population Of The NeXt Generation. Do You Get My EXplanation? Or Do You Need a Demonstration?
There are 10 kinds of people. The 1's that understand binary and the 1's that dont.
BeastPriest |
Posted on 24-07-2008 06:45

Posts: 490
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It told me I had been flagged for a name change on Denor, so I just typed Denor again and it let me log in, lol
Jaz |
Posted on 24-07-2008 07:49

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Same here, had to change the name but the original name worked fine for all 3 of mine. Jaz, Jayze, Jasmine.
I also took a while to log in, but found that if you left it at authenticationg, it eventually went to Handshaking and then Connected. However, it took a few Disconnected From Server messages before finally the Character List came up and from then on I was fine.
We should get a guild going. I'll sort that out tonight. |
heijaangel |
Posted on 24-07-2008 07:58

Posts: 1403
Joined: 22/11/2006 11:19
Think Beast already has done that Jaz, think we only need to sign for him
What is SeX? SeX Is When A Boy Put His Location In A Girls Destination To Increase The Population Of The NeXt Generation. Do You Get My EXplanation? Or Do You Need a Demonstration?
There are 10 kinds of people. The 1's that understand binary and the 1's that dont.
Jaz |
Posted on 24-07-2008 09:02

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Cool, ill probably be on with Vyxen my DK  |
Maleficus |
Posted on 24-07-2008 10:33

Posts: 532
Joined: 30/06/2007 11:03
My chars are still named Themaleficus , Lãtte and my death knight Maleficus.
Some more screenies
The final DK quest. It's the most fun quest ever.
http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/45...400dw2.jpg |
Heckx |
Posted on 24-07-2008 11:25

Posts: 42
Joined: 02/12/2007 03:36
Looks really nice when is the relase of full game??
heijaangel |
Posted on 24-07-2008 11:49

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Joined: 22/11/2006 11:19
Only Blizzard knows....
What is SeX? SeX Is When A Boy Put His Location In A Girls Destination To Increase The Population Of The NeXt Generation. Do You Get My EXplanation? Or Do You Need a Demonstration?
There are 10 kinds of people. The 1's that understand binary and the 1's that dont.
Lewsterin |
Posted on 24-07-2008 11:58

Posts: 1234
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And Jebus...
Blizzard and Jebus
Lewsterin Kinslayer
Proud member of The Blade Order.
-Gunslingers! To me!
-We will be tested this day fellas! Prove or Die!
heijaangel |
Posted on 24-07-2008 12:18

Posts: 1403
Joined: 22/11/2006 11:19
Lew? When ya gonna join us?
What is SeX? SeX Is When A Boy Put His Location In A Girls Destination To Increase The Population Of The NeXt Generation. Do You Get My EXplanation? Or Do You Need a Demonstration?
There are 10 kinds of people. The 1's that understand binary and the 1's that dont.
Maleficus |
Posted on 25-07-2008 09:11

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Joined: 30/06/2007 11:03
2 Frost Knights 3 Blood Knights raping ramparts , who needs a healer right? 
Cleared the whole instance in about 20mins without a single death.
Edited by Maleficus on 25-07-2008 09:13
Jaz |
Posted on 05-08-2008 23:02

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Three more screenshot from me 
Warlocks Demon Form. Only lasts something like 45 seconds unfortunately .
The Crystal Forest, which is the zone in which Dalaran is no located.
Devilsaur Pet, This is the first implemented of the exotic pets.
http://www.thebladeorder.com/images/j...tLK/12.jpg |
BeastPriest |
Posted on 06-08-2008 06:20

Posts: 490
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Told you them Ungo'ro dinosaurs were huge! Make even a NElf look tiny
Maleficus |
Posted on 06-08-2008 12:35

Posts: 532
Joined: 30/06/2007 11:03
That pet looks so cool |
adamrazza |
Posted on 06-08-2008 14:27

Posts: 284
Joined: 06/05/2008 21:21
wow these look good. i cant wait for wotlk !!!!
Ralpbix |
Posted on 07-08-2008 07:03

Posts: 723
Joined: 06/10/2006 13:15
I'm waiting for more screenshot.
Keep up the good work! |
heijaangel |
Posted on 07-08-2008 07:15

Posts: 1403
Joined: 22/11/2006 11:19
I'll see what I can do tonight Ralph.
What is SeX? SeX Is When A Boy Put His Location In A Girls Destination To Increase The Population Of The NeXt Generation. Do You Get My EXplanation? Or Do You Need a Demonstration?
There are 10 kinds of people. The 1's that understand binary and the 1's that dont.