WOTLK Screenshots
Jaz |
Posted on 07-08-2008 11:48

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I've got a couple more to put up tonight and now that my deathknight is 70 and properly starting Northrend I'l lstart getting some more up of the new zones |
Jaz |
Posted on 07-08-2008 16:07

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I thought I had 2 but the other one I was going to post is worse than crap so didnt bother 
But for those of you who go looking for Dalaran in it's usual place you will be rather dissapointed...
http://www.thebladeorder.com/images/j...tLK/13.jpg |
heijaangel |
Posted on 07-08-2008 16:41

Posts: 1403
Joined: 22/11/2006 11:19
Lol Jaz
What is SeX? SeX Is When A Boy Put His Location In A Girls Destination To Increase The Population Of The NeXt Generation. Do You Get My EXplanation? Or Do You Need a Demonstration?
There are 10 kinds of people. The 1's that understand binary and the 1's that dont.
Ralpbix |
Posted on 08-08-2008 07:33

Posts: 723
Joined: 06/10/2006 13:15
Screenshot are best enjoy for me since I can not visit the beta.
So thanks though! |
Maleficus |
Posted on 08-08-2008 18:59

Posts: 532
Joined: 30/06/2007 11:03
I'll join Jaz with my screenshots I just need 1 level to 68 and then i'll be in Northrend as well. |
Maleficus |
Posted on 09-08-2008 00:09

Posts: 532
Joined: 30/06/2007 11:03
I enjoyed Northrend with my rogue for a while. I ended up having a debuff saying "You're where you shouldn't be" or something like that and got transported back to Valgarde. Here's some screenshots from my little trip.
Northrend View
Uthgarde Keep (This is the first instance you'll encounter in Northrend.)
Borean Tundra
Daggercap Bay
Say Hello to your old friend
Other Places
Anyone remember this guy?
I'll go venture a little bit more now and will come back with more screenies.
Edited by Maleficus on 09-08-2008 01:30
heijaangel |
Posted on 10-08-2008 10:32

Posts: 1403
Joined: 22/11/2006 11:19
Here are some druid pictures, specialy for Marcy 
Shark fighting
On the boat, got a firewater pot on me, other druid looks so small 
Entering Howling Fjord
Catacombs out side Utgarde Keep for quest
Alot of undead @ the bottom of the catacombs
Opening stuff in druid form
What is SeX? SeX Is When A Boy Put His Location In A Girls Destination To Increase The Population Of The NeXt Generation. Do You Get My EXplanation? Or Do You Need a Demonstration?
There are 10 kinds of people. The 1's that understand binary and the 1's that dont.
Maleficus |
Posted on 10-08-2008 17:44

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Barber Shop
Jaz |
Posted on 19-08-2008 17:45

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Joined: 06/10/2006 12:26
Some more from me
This first one is looking down over the settlement of Valgarde on the eastern side of Northrend, which is where the boat from Menethil Harbour goes to.
This one is a view out fomr the next outpost you go to after Valgarde questing is done.
The last one show a snapshot of the new Ferocity Talant tree for Devilsuars. Each pet has access to one of three talent trees, determine by the family of the pet. The other 2 trees are Cunning and Tenacity. Tenacity is the tanking tree, Ferocity the DPS and Cunning I believe is more for pvp pets.
http://www.thebladeorder.com/images/j...tLK/15.jpg |
superswa |
Posted on 20-08-2008 10:34

Posts: 104
Joined: 24/11/2006 16:18
Wicked. Those new haircuts are awsome 
I hope they designed me an afro-cut, would look sexy on my dwarf
LvL 70 Superswa Skinning 375/ Enchanting 375
Plutonium LvL 36 warlock
ThePenguin |
Posted on 20-08-2008 18:45

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Thepenguin - lvl 85 human rogue
Versipellis |
Posted on 20-08-2008 22:17

Posts: 349
Joined: 15/05/2007 22:45
release date is november.. but ofcourse Blizzard has all rights about postponing it..

DPS with a "tude".. How suprising..
You can run.. But you just die tired..
Versipellis |
Posted on 20-08-2008 22:32

Posts: 349
Joined: 15/05/2007 22:45
and yeah pingu we'll leave you on that iceberg with your friends and take away your heartstone.. finally we found a habitat to release you to your true nature..

DPS with a "tude".. How suprising..
You can run.. But you just die tired..
ThePenguin |
Posted on 20-08-2008 23:12

Posts: 139
Joined: 09/11/2007 19:10
Ohwwwwwwwwww I'll love it there hehe, you won't hurt me if you leave me there
Thepenguin - lvl 85 human rogue
strifie |
Posted on 21-08-2008 16:22

Posts: 221
Joined: 28/11/2006 10:09
but he will hurt me, caus i'm not joining you on that iceberg, to freaking cold for me
Strifie says: ''Chaos, Panic, Disaster. I Think My Work Here Is Done!!!''

marcele |
Posted on 21-08-2008 22:57

Posts: 366
Joined: 08/01/2008 23:07
Wow so cool angel I finally found the pics, love that we can pot and open and collect in form, its about freaking time.....
Please post more m8 and thanks so much for all the news u have given to me in /w