Heddy makes his YouTube debut!
Heddy |
Posted on 22-11-2010 08:42

Posts: 710
Joined: 30/11/2008 13:01
Hey Guys,
As some of you know I have not been playing so much WoW these days, I have instead been playing a lot of Starcraft II.
Recently, by recently I mean over the past few weeks, I started casting games I have played, or have been sent (I'll do it soon Joe! I promise!). So far there is a best of 3 series between me and Henrik (Azazel, Dust) and a game between Henrik and Jonny (Whistler).
So if you like Starcraft and enjoy my rugged Scottish accent then head over to my channel on YouTube!
Also my gametime ran out, probably won't renew till Cata!
Also a big '**** you' to aids and dogs that stop being puppies...and Mike ofc.
That will be all.
Hed's dead baby, Hed's dead.
Gangsta |
Posted on 22-11-2010 10:23

Posts: 1533
Joined: 04/04/2007 09:30
Quote Also a big '**** you' to aids and dogs that stop being puppies...and Mike ofc.
What the..?? what did i do to deserve that ?? I always get mentioned in the same sentence as aids 
i mean, afterall, i am a "Champion of The Blade order". Think i deserve a little more respect 
much Love Mike
P.S - Oh yeah. **** you
Edited by Gangsta on 22-11-2010 10:25
Hit them little niggas with a freeze-pop, represent
Another Famous quote by Org when he's healing - "Its not my fault the tank dies. its his own fault. He got hit to much"
Heddy |
Posted on 22-11-2010 10:33

Posts: 710
Joined: 30/11/2008 13:01
Quote Gangsta wrote:
i am a "Champion of The Blade order". Think i deserve a little more respect 
Sorry - I meant **** You, Very Much.
Won't happen again boss.
Hed's dead baby, Hed's dead.
Gangsta |
Posted on 22-11-2010 12:13

Posts: 1533
Joined: 04/04/2007 09:30
Aye ive hurd da sturies. **** you
Hit them little niggas with a freeze-pop, represent
Another Famous quote by Org when he's healing - "Its not my fault the tank dies. its his own fault. He got hit to much"
Maleficus |
Posted on 22-11-2010 14:45

Posts: 532
Joined: 30/06/2007 11:03
With all due respect **** you both. And **** your youtube channel cammy.
Edited by Maleficus on 22-11-2010 14:45
"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it."
Darkwon |
Posted on 22-11-2010 16:11

Posts: 526
Joined: 25/03/2007 21:44
"Chump Peon of The Blade Order" I think its pronounced Mike  |
Heddy |
Posted on 22-11-2010 16:17

Posts: 710
Joined: 30/11/2008 13:01
Quote Darkwon wrote:
"Chump Peon of The Blade Order"
Hed's dead baby, Hed's dead.
Gangsta |
Posted on 22-11-2010 18:00

Posts: 1533
Joined: 04/04/2007 09:30
Nuff said. Ef-You-See-kay allofayall, Bitches
Hit them little niggas with a freeze-pop, represent
Another Famous quote by Org when he's healing - "Its not my fault the tank dies. its his own fault. He got hit to much"
Chronos |
Posted on 23-11-2010 08:02

Posts: 57
Joined: 27/06/2009 11:50
GJ on those casts heddy m8 
I've also gotten really into sc2 and if u want u can cast a game with me i play terran in platinum league 