Nefarian Defeated!
Nydema |
Posted on 11-04-2011 23:11

Posts: 134
Joined: 13/05/2007 15:32

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Great Job guys , people with exalted rank go buy your selfs a new mount for the nice price of 3000g  Bring on the next adventure!
I can't post things on the homepage so posted it here for someone else too =D !!
Edited by Nydema on 11-04-2011 23:12
Psylence |
Posted on 12-04-2011 00:11

Posts: 64
Joined: 25/07/2010 13:41
Whats going on with the purple collar on me in that pick? :s |
Kogirly |
Posted on 12-04-2011 06:54

Posts: 919
Joined: 18/12/2007 07:02
And gratz TBO on this awesome achievement. Now im going to buy myself a new mount my 116:th one 
Keep up the good work
Drayke |
Posted on 12-04-2011 07:06

Posts: 117
Joined: 27/07/2009 17:04
awesome job guys!!!!!!!
mega congrats!  |
Lewsterin |
Posted on 12-04-2011 07:50

Posts: 1234
Joined: 06/08/2007 08:01
Very very vell done lads!! GJ!
Nice piccy nydema, ill fix it so it lands up top in news i need to scale it a bit tho
Lewsterin Kinslayer
Proud member of The Blade Order.
-Gunslingers! To me!
-We will be tested this day fellas! Prove or Die!
Alchy |
Posted on 12-04-2011 10:14

Posts: 1682
Joined: 19/12/2006 15:19
Gz and thanks to all... And the fact that we killed him on the try *after* the raid end time, makes it even sweeter 
And I'd like to say a big thanks to Luth. As I'm sure many in the guild knows, raiding is only as good as your raidleader, and our raiding has been really good lately. Thanks for stepping up and leading our progress raiding this expansion, and I hope you're up for continuing when we get some more content to do.
Nesualk |
Posted on 12-04-2011 11:55

Posts: 206
Joined: 30/11/2006 09:34
Really a nice takedown - It felt like we were "on the top" all night, and then we finally did it!! -Luth, kudos mate! |
Saichel |
Posted on 12-04-2011 17:23

Posts: 108
Joined: 12/07/2010 18:46
Grats guys^^ wish I could've joined for this first kill aswell but hey, I've taken down 2 "end-" bosses with you guys (as a first kill) and that's plenty^^ rly good work everyone  |
TheBizzy |
Posted on 12-04-2011 19:43

Posts: 965
Joined: 22/11/2006 11:40
Grats Luth, and good job team  |