Leauge of Legends
Saichel |
Posted on 11-10-2011 09:53

Posts: 108
Joined: 12/07/2010 18:46
if any one else is playing lol you can add me there^^
on the EU west my name is Zodrakio
and on the EU north & east it's Raikoutoukai |
Tom |
Posted on 11-10-2011 12:48

Posts: 151
Joined: 12/03/2008 09:30
mm tried it in beta, was ok but got fed up with the elitist twats being bitchy IN BETA at people who where learning the game. kinda put me off coming back. might check it out again though and see how its come along.

"Tanking is skill, Dps is science, Healing is art"
Saichel |
Posted on 11-10-2011 15:20

Posts: 108
Joined: 12/07/2010 18:46
yeah, it was a pain in the start tbh, but it's much better now. there are still lots of elitists but you usually don't see then until you've got lvl 25+ so you got plenty of time to learn  |
Tom |
Posted on 11-10-2011 16:56

Posts: 151
Joined: 12/03/2008 09:30
mm i would like to get into it as i was a dota nut on the warcraft rts series. theres also HoN tho so im gonna have to read up abit and see whats going on with each one.

"Tanking is skill, Dps is science, Healing is art"
Titan |
Posted on 15-10-2011 17:07

Posts: 76
Joined: 05/09/2007 19:11
added you zraa on eu west, Ulthanex, we'lle have to see about getting some others to get on league to play some 5 v 5 sometime
Saichel |
Posted on 16-10-2011 00:15

Posts: 108
Joined: 12/07/2010 18:46
ye, we have to do that^^ would be awesome to get a real 5man team and can get some tacts in and gang up on enemies xD |
Ralpbix |
Posted on 20-10-2011 10:57

Posts: 723
Joined: 06/10/2006 13:15
I do play LoL once in a while. but hard with my broken arm atm. |
Saichel |
Posted on 31-10-2011 14:59

Posts: 108
Joined: 12/07/2010 18:46
need more ppl to join us wants to start up a 5v5 pre made group and gank some noobs^^ |
Saichel |
Posted on 18-12-2011 02:04

Posts: 108
Joined: 12/07/2010 18:46
bump  |