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March 21 2014 11:16:08
Hey guys! Can't run WoW after last patch. Looks like my pc needs some good format. Hope to see you soon!
March 16 2014 10:47:46
Thanks to all who came on Friday night and the surprise continuation on Saturday! Shame that group was bad but i'll try sort it that we avoid the numpties and next time we'll down that nasty G
February 28 2014 11:09:39
pff - of all things going rusty would be you! 
February 26 2014 15:21:08
Boo! Just testing shoutbox, stop it going rusty 
December 31 2013 09:27:38
Happy new year!
December 04 2013 00:43:05
Got mine on saturday and then another last night, spent about 9 hours playing so far also managed to get the Gf hooked too  !
December 03 2013 07:52:50
got my beta key last night ^^
December 02 2013 21:06:46
Hearthstonnnnnnnneeeeeeee eeeee
November 25 2013 19:03:45
November 12 2013 20:21:22
November 11 2013 06:56:51
bloody hell Dan is alive!
November 10 2013 09:52:28
September 08 2013 20:50:36
Hi dearest Pingu! Hi all! Just came back from vacations, time to play!
September 01 2013 17:07:44
Hello people, how are you all doing? xx pengu
August 13 2013 07:04:50
Yeah i noticed that on saturday night 
August 05 2013 17:58:17
If it looks pretty i will stand and jump all over that, healers fault if i die 
August 03 2013 23:30:57
btw. I think the clock on this site is out of track 
August 03 2013 23:30:13
lol Lise =)
August 02 2013 15:20:32
I do stand in fire, violet pools, blue circles, golden domes, ice in all shapes, colorful death beams, under the monster's giant feet, green acid, name it, it's fun!
July 22 2013 16:12:26
Another stereotype is all guild members love to stand in fire or any damaging aoe but esp fire