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July 21 2013 06:52:11
yeah its a tough one 
July 20 2013 12:00:13
Can we vote more then once as a lot of the above-mentioned is true
July 17 2013 19:07:27
ah common how can i choose from the above once 
June 24 2013 11:09:34
hey mate!
June 23 2013 15:16:03
Hey joe! How are you? Kisses!
June 22 2013 09:40:02
Hey guys! Long time
May 17 2013 17:57:17
Lise! PHOTOS!!!
January 24 2013 07:01:57
Raids up in the calendar for TBO-OL!
January 07 2013 21:45:05
after being away for over a month i got to say i cant wait to come back and play some wow before i cant play it any more when i move to the usa
January 02 2013 20:35:38
Happy New Year guys 
January 02 2013 09:46:29
Happy new year guildies! Many kisses from France, and see you all online after Jan. 21.
January 01 2013 08:02:58
Happy new year everyone ;-)
December 31 2012 22:01:18
Happy New Year, Gott nytt år på er alla, Gelukkig Nieuwjaa xxx
December 29 2012 14:56:55
Is everyone not able to play today? I log in but I get kicked as i load my char.
December 26 2012 10:53:23
Hope everyone survived yesterday! Roll on the New Year!! Slainte! x
December 04 2012 19:55:35
the guild rocks , totaly missed out for a while but loads of super epic fun to watche now 
November 24 2012 12:13:15
Just a heads up! I've been AWOL again but this time it's not likely I will be back for a while to play so I have cancelled my sub for now - i'll be around though!
November 22 2012 15:54:44
Or "What's your zombie apocalypse weapon of choice?"
November 22 2012 11:45:18
or how far have you travelled to meet someone from WoW?
November 22 2012 11:08:54
could we get a new poll? Like: what do you think of MoP? Or : did you ever date from WoW